
RtndFrameAllocate can be used by the filter driver, and a RTSS application with RT-TCP/IP support enabled, to allocate a block of memory to store an Ethernet frame. The length of the frame is guaranteed to be long enough to contain ulDataSize bytes of data plus 14 bytes for the Ethernet header. RtndFrameAllocate pre-populates the source Ethernet address of the device name passed.

NOTE: Frames must be released by calling RtndFrameFree() API.


void* RtndFrameAllocate(
   char *DevName,
   unsigned long ulDataSize



Zero terminated string indicating which device to allocate a frame from.


Size of the Ethernet payload data. This size does not include the 14 byte Ethernet header.

Return Value

A pointer to the Ethernet frame header of newly created frame if the function succeeds. Null if the function fails.


Minimum Supported Version RTX64 2013
Header RtnApi.h
Library RtTcpip.lib